My ability to fulfill records is limited and temporary
due to a variety of issues. I will do what I can, but can not guarantee delivery.
The first step before making a request is to ask your primary care physician if records originated by Lynda are available from their office. Mammograms and other tests will be available from the organization which performed them [York Hospital for example].
Records created by Lynda Wright will likely be available from the Patient Portal on the home page of this site. Use your original email address [from when you were added to the system], and you can request a password if you don't know yours.
I am waiting to hear the details on how login issues work. If you are unable to get records from other sources, please send me an email. Address it to with your name and "records request" in the title.
If you are running out of a prescription from Lynda, please notify your primary care physician.
--Joel Glassman